Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Stephen Colbert @ the White House Correspondents Dinner

Everyone has probably heard this already. You can find the full transcript of Colbert's speech here. And below, find the speech in three parts, posted on YouTube by icopythat. Update: May 10, 2006. YouTube has removed the videos, and being a believer in conspiracy theories, I think they did it not for copyright violations, as they continue to host many other Stephen Colbert videos. Maybe they didn't like the fact that Colbert made fun of Bush. Regardless, you can see the video elsewhere. So here it is again.

1 comment:

  1. This is about the muslims and comedy central article...Big problems for YouTube and Comedy Central after been exposed by AmericasNewsToday.Com, they tried to censure America's, thats how i found this post, check the article at
