Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Love Picnic ...

Another 3D CG animation featuring an accident prone Polar Bear, from RG Studios. [Posted on YouTube by pcshirley.]

I Love Sky

Cool 3D CG animation of a bear that keeps getting into trouble. [Posted on YouTube by clara76.]

Dear Jesus -- Jesse James

An animated video to go with Jesse James' Dear Jesus song -- from the album Mission. [Uploaded to YouTube by dkodko.]

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Driving in India.

Driving in India ... chaos ... but, how come no one is crashing into each other? And where's the road rage? Maybe they know something we don't.

Charlie Brown: Jihad Christmas

Charlie Brown mash-up ... Charlie finds Islam at Christmas.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Here's a strange little animation about a boy named Alex, who really isn't Alex ... Alex is somewhere else, and whoever is pretending to be Alex is nasty. But that may be understandable, since he's stuck here with the rest of us. You see, Gord is from somewhere far, far away. [Posted on YouTube by robotjr.]

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter hates illegal immigrants. She advocates rounding them up and throwing them out of the country. Check out this segment on Bill O'Reilly. Ann Coulter makes Bill O'Reilly seem completely sane. Why does woman still continue to open her fucking mouth? Doesn't she know how completely stupid she sounds? Or does she surround herself with people who keep telling her she's smart?

Fox News: Comedy Central's South Park: Hypocrites, Bigots and Racists

Ah ... the truth was buried in here. Not too deep, but even so, it wasn't explored. Let's face it -- Muslims call for beheadings when insulted. They go out and kill people when their Prophet is dissed. On the other hand, Christians quietly get offended; or voice concerns and move on; or laugh quietly when no one is watching. South Park picks on those they are not afraid of. What's the worse that can happen to them if they pick on Christians? Exactly. What's the worse that can happen to them if they pick on Muslims? Exactly. So, don't pick on Muslims, because you're afraid they will kill you. Beneath all of this however is what Bill Donahue advocates ... the arming of the Christian right. If you listen carefully, you can hear his little inner voice screaming at Christians to get off their asses and call for beheadings as well. South Park is offensive. The show is without a moral compass. But they have the right to go on the air because America is the land of the free. They have constitutional protection. Going the route of the Muslim fanatics is not the answer. Beneath this issue is the scary truth that the Christian right advocates the methods of the Muslim fanatics -- threaten to kill people if they don't stop dissing Christ. [This video was posted to YouTube by americasnewstoday.]

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Jon Stewart's Post 9/11 Speech

This was the first Daily Show episode after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US. Watch the video for more. This was posted to YouTube by hpfan0722.

Sarah Silverman: Public Service Announcement

In the time it takes Sarah Silverman to wax her moustache, you can pick the next leader of the free world. Shit! They chose Bush!

Sarah Silverman: Public Service Announcement

Voter Registration PSA from Sarah Silverman ... Voting Kills.

Slither Movie Trailer Spoof

Silly ...

V for Vendetta

Interview with the actors from the movie.

Hummer: Little Monster Commercial

A Hummer commercial. What happens when you mate a monster with a giant robot? You get a Hummer. Interestingly enough, there was apparently concerns about this commercial in the US. Executives were sure the commercial should be aired, because the monster (female) wasn't wearing a wedding ring.

Re-Mission by HopeLab

Re-Mission is a game made by HopeLab, a not-for-profit software company that is developing video games to help children cope with traumatic fights with disease. Re-Mission is a FPS that puts kids in their bodies to fight off cancer. Read my post on this topic at my main blog.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Venus Express Mission - Earth and Venus - World's Apart

An ESA produced video that compares what we know about Venus to Earth, and speculates about what the Venus Express spacecraft may reveal when science studies behind in early June this year.

Venus Express Mission - Next Stop Venus

A video produced by the ESA that talks about the science behind the Venus Express mission.

Venus Express Mission - Intro

Video produced by the ESA, on the planned Venus Express mission. A couple of days ago, the Venus Express spacecraft maneuvered in an orbit around Venus.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Alizée: I'm Fed Up

French pop star Alizée doing an English version of one of her songs. It's a catchy tune. I like it. Probably not enough to buy her CD though.

Don't Stare

And pay attention ... a short and hilarious clip!